Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled:
AOAD’s a non-governmental, nonprofits and non-political organization established by Person with Disability and working for persons with disabilities along with their immediate family members as a peer-supporter advocate agent of change organization, founded in 2007 in Kabul, Afghanistan.
AOAD’ closely working under the government agenda with the line ministries of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan such as Ministry of Department of Labor’s Social Affairs Martyrs and Disabled (DLSAMD), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Refugees, Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), Ministry of Refugees, Repatriation and Returnees (MORR) and Ministry of Women Affairs.
The aims of AOAD is to share good practices and lessons learnt, providing a forum for dialogue among stakeholders participants (Government, Disabled Peoples Organizations, Civil Society and Academia); AOAD promote disability mainstreaming and inclusion in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2015-2030).
The Director of AOAD is Awardees-of the Zero project in Austria for innovation of the Physical Accessibility Universal Design for All in Feb: 2018 in the UN H.Q of Austria.
AOAD is also collaborative partner with US International Council on Disability (USICD) in Washington DC.
AOAD director is a Country Representative of the Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies & Environment (GAATES) Canada.